We continue to work with King County Parks and the City of Sammamish to maintain an enjoyable experience for all members at our beach.  Please continue to visit the South Sammamish B Segment - Phase 2 page for current updates or sign up for weekly updates.

April 2022

Things are starting to happen around our beach. Our demolition debris was removed and a cedar trail was put in place to create a temporary path when construction commences. The lock was removed on the gate per King County requirements.

July 2021

The boathouse and shed were demolished per King Country requirements.

March 2021

IBC member concludes procurement of bids / cost estimates related to the upcoming, required demolition of the boathouse, shed, and readerboard sign, as mandated by King County Parks.  General cost for required demolition estimated to run approximately $3,000 - $4,000.

IBC board and community member meet with members of King County Parks (KCP) onsite at the IBC beach, so KCP can see the property for themselves, in person.  Social distancing requirements are observed and practiced.  KCP answers questions for IBC.  [More details coming soon.]

IBC board and community member meet with members of City of Sammamish onsite at the IBC beach, so the City can see the property for themselves, in person, and advise what is possible for the property (e.g., permitting requirements for potential future projects, recommendations of priorities, proper contacts, etc.)  [More details coming soon.]

For county updates on the section of trail near the IBC beach (the South Sammamish B segment), please visit King County's website: https://www.kingcounty.gov/services/parks-recreation/parks/trails/regional-trails/popular-trails/east-lake-samm/segment-b.aspx

For updates on the East Lake Sammamish Trail project as a whole, visit King County's website: https://kingcounty.gov/services/parks-recreation/parks/trails/regional-trails/popular-trails/east-lake-samm.aspx

February 2021

IBC board and community members meet virtually with King County Parks (KCP).  Topics discussed include options for replacing the existing ramp with another ramp; if exception can be made to allow IBC to keep the boathouse, shed, and current readerboard sign; fencing and security (locks); and construction dates.  KCP advises that they must be fair and consistent with all properties along the corridor.  No special exceptions will be allowed, despite IBC's unique circumstance of being a community, rather than single private home.  The shed, boathouse, and readerboard sign are currently located on KC property and must be removed.  Installing a new ramp would be the responsibility of IBC and, at minimum, require a special use permit and special use permit fee.  The current fence will be coming down, and new fencing will be installed after KCP removes the ramp and builds the new retaining wall along the trail.  Construction will begin on IBC's section of the trail in October 2021.

IBC member begins to reach out to demolition companies on behalf of IBC for bids / cost estimates related to the upcoming, required demolition of the boathouse, shed, and readerboard sign.

November 2020

IBC board notifies community of virtual meeting "East Lake Sammamish Trail: Land Use Virtual Information Session" hosted by King County Parks (KCP) and urges attendance.  As per KCP, intent of the meeting is for attendees to learn about upcoming changes to how KCP manages private uses on KCP public land.  Members of IBC board and general membership attend, but comments are only allowed via chatbox with KCP choosing which comments/questions to address live.  IBC board and members provide comments in the chat relating to the ramp, requesting for the ramp to be replaced with a ramp, rather than stairs.  KCP speaker mentions the topic raised by the IBC community members but does not provide a definitive response, citing that he is not familiar enough with the specific situation to provide comment at this time.  On behalf of IBC, attending member follows up with KCP and also works with King County councilmember to arrange meeting for IBC board with KCP.

September 2020

IBC board reaches out to King County Parks (KCP) to confirm date by which encroachment structures need to be removed and when trail work is planned to start. KCP advises that they will complete the 3.6-mile South Sammamish B segment in two stages.  They advise that they will start the southern 1.7-mile section (between SE 33rd Street and the Mint Grove neighborhood driveway) in Spring 2021, and then the northern section (Mint Grove to Inglewood Hills parking area) in early 2022.  They further advise that IBC will receive construction updates and schedules once they get closer to construction, and that IBC will have advance notice before any work is performed near the Inglewood Beach Club.

IBC board sends a notice to the membership that the East Lake Sammamish Trail expansion is now entering its next phase and will come through the IBC trail corridor and, as part of this effort, the county has asked us to remove all structures and artifacts that are in the working area (see markers down at the beach).  Therefore, IBC is asking all members that have any boat(s), items or otherwise in the boathouse, fence line or anywhere on the IBC property, to please remove items before 9/15, and if members need an additional week to please let us know.  The notice further advises that the week of 9/28 all boats, anything else left in the boathouse, along the fenceline, as well as on the IBC property will be removed and discarded. Items IBC has to remove on anyone's behalf will incur a $500 removal fee.  The notice also reminds the membership that their participation is welcome as we continue to work with the County and City and discuss trail issues at board meetings and if members are interested to please join us and weigh in.

IBC board sends a "Last Call" reminder and advises there will be a work party to remove all unclaimed items from the construction zone and out of the boathouse.  IBC board advises that all items will be disposed of or become IBC property, and anyone whose property can be identified may incur the removal fee.  Work party is attended by IBC board members and some of the membership.  The notice further advises that, at this time, we are unsure when we will be permitted to allow boat storage again at the beach.  Notice further reminds the membership that their participation is welcome as we continue to discuss trail issues at board meetings, and if members are interested to please join us and weigh in.

June 2020

King County Parks (KCP) reaches out after their review.  They advise that the existing ramp will not be removed until trail construction in IBC's segment commences and that during construction, KCP will accommodate continued access to all properties from the trail.  They advise that they are not entertaining modifications to trail plans until trail construction is complete.  Once the trail is completed, property owners are welcome to schedule a pre-submittal meeting with KCP to review special use permit applications, including requests for an ADA-compliant access ramp on the County's property.  If such meetings are desired, application process and scheduling will take place through King County Parks Land Management.

KCP advises that their review of the trail construction plans has determined there is room to install a future access ramp should IBC choose.  However, KCP will neither install nor pay for a ramp.  They further advise, for more information on the  East Lake Sammamish Trail project to visit the project website at: https://www.kingcounty.gov/services/parks-recreation/parks/trails/regional-trails/popular-trails/east-lake-samm/segment-b.aspx

May 2020

IBC board discusses County markers that have appeared at the beach.  The board’s understanding is that the markers are the space the County will occupy during construction.

April 2020

IBC board asks King County Parks (KCP) about ADA compliance as well as safety of ingress / egress to the property provided by having a ramp.  IBC board again requests replacement of the ramp with a ramp.  KCP advises it is not required to provide access ramps to adjacent private property.  However, they advise they are reviewing access to recreational lots, including IBC, and whether private property owners could install permitted ramps after trail construction.  KCP advises they will keep IBC informed of their review.

March / April 2020

King County Parks (KCP) advises that the trail will be widened to 12-feet and paved, have a 3-foot gravel shoulder on both sides, and that the completed trail will allow for safe 2-way foot and bicycle traffic for trail users of all abilities.  They further advise that to widen the trail, a retaining wall will be built on the trail’s west side and that the existing ramp will be removed and replaced with stairs.  Construction plans are noted as being 95% complete.

IBC board requests for the ramp to be replaced with a ramp and requests options, including if IBC would be able to build its own ramp in the future, if desired.  KCP advises that they will not replace the ramp but are amenable to reviewing access requests via special use permit after the trail is complete.  They advise the best time to initiate such a project is after IBC's section of the trail is complete.  KCP provides details of the type of stair to be built near IBC and advises it will run parallel to the trail's retaining wall.

design detail for stairs

March 2020

The "Encroachment Removal Form" is returned to King County as requested.  IBC submits its selection for self-removal as this will likely be the most cost-effective option for IBC.  As indicated on the form, opting for King County Parks to remove and dispose of encroachments may result in the county seeking to recover all costs associated with removing items listed with said costs being undisclosed / unknown.

IBC board reaches out to King County for better clarification of what is required for encroachment removal.

January 2020

King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Parks and Recreation Division creates a "Notice of Required Encroachment Removal" letter to IBC advising that on November 6, 2019, the City of Sammamish issued the required permits to begin construction on the final segment of the East Lake Sammamish Trail project, which extends from SE 33rd Street to Inglewood Hill Road in Sammamish.  In the letter, King County provides a map of the construction territory, list of encroaching structures, and options for self-removal versus county removal.  IBC items listed in the letter for removal include: retaining wall, shed, canoes, and picnic tables.  The county's letter advises that the items listed must be removed by September 30, 2020.

King County construction map of IBC parcel

May 2019

IBC board members attend City of Sammamish Planning Commission meeting regarding the city's recent "Lakeside Recreational Lot Impact Analysis" where the city is proposing additional standards and more restrictions for new/expanded private lakeside recreational uses that require a Conditional Use Permit.  IBC board learns that if no opposition is voiced at subsequent meetings, the result would essentially be a moratorium on IBC ever making any improvements to our beach.  The new standards being proposed would negate IBC's ability to build a new dock as well as the ability to initiate any other projects or improvements within the shoreline / IBC beach property as a whole.  IBC board attends subsequent meetings and advocates for more reasonable guidelines to be put in place.

April 2019

IBC receives notice that the City of Sammamish is planning to make major regulation changes in regards to recreational beach front use for beach areas that serve multiple people / homes.  Some of the regulation changes the city is proposing will have significant impact to IBC property use in that (if approved) all future projects for the IBC beach property would become considered a "conditional use" for any development or project going forward instead of "allowed" or "permitted" which it is now.  In addition, fully functioning restrooms and parking would be required with any new development.  IBC is advised that the only way to impact the new codes being proposed is to provide public comment, in person or submitted in writing, to the Planning Commission.  IBC board and community members identify need to attend upcoming City of Sammamish Planning Commission meetings where proposed shoreline regulation changes will be discussed.