Thank you for being a responsible Inglewood Beach Club member or an approved guest!
To be on the premises, you must be a current paid member and are agreeing to abide by all terms, conditions, and rules outlined below. All current year members can be found here. If you are not on this list, you are trespassing.
Entering IBC premises, you also agree to be under 24-hour video surveillance. Any misuse of access to the beach (i.e. trespassing) and/or breaking of rules may result in revoked membership and/or legal action. See FAQs regarding guest access.
All IBC rules are in place either as per Sammamish City Law, for safety reasons, and/or to maintain a family-friendly environment. If you witness anyone violating IBC rules, please ask them to stop immediately, and notify the board at [email protected].

Membership Terms & Conditions
Upon payment of membership dues for the calendar year is application for a RESIDENT BEACH PASS so that I can enjoy beach privileges at Inglewood Beach Club (IBC) property on Lake Sammamish. I (we) hereby agree to adhere to club rules (posted at the beach and/or at, and to hold harmless Inglewood Beach Club Inc., its members, and the Board of Directors in the event of accident or injury while using IBC property. I (We) understand that our name will be publicly listed on the IBC website for member verification purposes.
Membership Subscription / Auto-Renewal
If auto-renewal subscription payment is active, agreement of membership terms is indefinite so long as dues are paid in full annually and member resides within the IBC plat. If any change of member information (including the number of residents, minors, dogs, etc.) please update your account or email [email protected] to have your membership updated. Any out of date information may cause membership to be invalid.
Guest Pass Sponsorship
Upon application for a BEACH GUEST PASS so that my guest can enjoy beach privileges at Inglewood Beach Club (IBC) property on Lake Sammamish, I (we) hereby agree to ensure our guest adheres to club rules (posted at the beach and/or at, and to hold harmless Inglewood Beach Club Inc., its members, and the Board of Directors in the event of accident or injury while using IBC property.
I understand that application is not a guarantee of guest membership and confirmation my (our) sponsoring IBC Member is required prior to payment of guest membership dues. I (we) acknowledge there is a limited number of BEACH GUEST PASSES and renewals are first come first served.
I understand that application will not be considered if the guest does not fill out beach access form as well as receive confirmation from the sponsoring member. It is the sponsor and/or guest applicant's responsibility to provide confirmation. Once the sponsor confirms, the guest will be able to submit payment information if the guest membership is accepted. The Board is not responsible for following up with guests on the sponsor's behalf.
Guest Pass Terms & Conditions
Upon submission of application for a BEACH GUEST PASS so that I can enjoy beach privileges at Inglewood Beach Club (IBC) property on Lake Sammamish, I (we) hereby agree to adhere to club rules (posted at the beach and/or at, and to hold harmless Inglewood Beach Club Inc., its members, and the Board of
Directors in the event of accident or injury while using IBC property. I (We) understand that our name will be publicly listed on the IBC website for guest pass holder verification purposes.
I understand that this application is NOT a guarantee of guest membership and confirmation my (our) sponsoring IBC Member is required prior to payment of membership dues. I (we) acknowledge there is a limited number of BEACH GUEST PASSES and renewals are first come first served.
I understand that this application will not be considered if the sponsor does not confirm sponsorship and that it is the guest applicant's responsibility to instruct the sponsor to provide confirmation to the IBC Board. Once the sponsor confirms, the guest will be able to submit payment information if the guest membership is accepted. The Board is not responsible for following up with sponsors on the guest's behalf.
Boat Storage
Boat storage is available via an annual in-person lottery system. Please see the Boat Storage Agreement for specific terms and conditions. Only paid IBC boat storage renters are authorized to place boats and boards in the authorized storage spaces. Any unauthorized boats, boards, floaties, or other items left behind are immediately forfeited, become the property of IBC, and will be removed or donated. Pack in. Pack out.