Boat Storage Agreement

The purpose of this agreement is to describe the rights and responsibilities of the parties associated with the boat storage ("storage location") owned by Inglewood Beach Club ("IBC").

GOVERNANCE & OWNERSHIP The operation and maintenance of the boat storage are directed by IBC and conducted by the IBC Board of Trustees.

LIABILITY The use of the boat storage is at the user's own risk. IBC makes no commitment or warranty regarding the structural integrity or longevity of the boat storage rack or the security of items stored therein. The undersigned hereby agrees to hold harmless: IBC, its Board of Trustees, and any occupant of the boat storage for personal injury sustained at the storage location, or damage or loss to the storage location or equipment stored therein, regardless of cause.

USE / MODIFICATIONS I (We) will store only my (our) equipment and use it regularly or voluntarily terminate my (our) agreement. I (We) will lock my (our) storage location when not present and keep my (our) items out of other storage locations. I (We) will furnish my (our) lock/key only to family members and will not rent or loan my (our) storage location to others except for the authorized unofficial Boat Share. I (We) will not make modifications to my (our) storage location without prior approval from the Board of Trustees.

ADMINISTRATION / MAINTENANCE I (We) will pay the annual fee within 30 days of the invoice.

ANNUAL LOTTERY TERM Storage locations are allocated on an annual basis via an in-person lottery held during the IBC annual meeting. Members must be present at the lottery to secure a storage spot. If a person seeking a boat storage slot cannot attend in person, they can designate someone else to be present in their place. The proxy is responsible for attending and responding to the lottery outcome. One proxy can represent a single member, not multiple. One member can only have one proxy, not multiple. Proxies cannot also be seeking a boat storage slot for themselves. Proxy attendance for the boat lottery is not dependent on or implying any unofficial sharing of boats or boat storage. The term for each storage location is from the date of the annual lottery to the following June 15th.

VOLUNTARY TERMINATION When I (we) no longer want the storage location, I (we) will inform the Board of Trustees, who will find a new occupant per the lottery order.

FORCED TERMINATION At the sole discretion of the Board of Trustees, occupants may be required, for no cause, to vacate their storage location within 15 days. The Board of Trustees is empowered to use this clause to manage safety risks, resolve occupant conflicts, and make partial restitution when occupants cannot resolve issues amicably and to remove occupants whose activities or behaviors are inconsistent with storage location operating standards.

REMOVAL POLICY FOR NON-PAYMENT After 30 days of non-payment (from the invoice), the privilege will be denied. If the boat is not removed, the security device will be cut, and the boat will be moved to a holding area and left unsecured for 30 days for you to pick up. After 60 days of non-payment (from the invoice), failure to remove the boat will result in the boat being deemed “abandoned” and it will be disposed of.

PERMISSION TO MOVE & DISPOSE OF STORED BOAT FOR NON-PAYMENT I hereby grant permission to the Inglewood Beach Club or its designated agent to remove any security device and move my boat to the holding area if I fail to pay the storage fee within 30 days of the invoice and to dispose of my boat if I fail to remove it from the property within 60 days of the invoice.